Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Friendships (Updated)

Yeah so in a matter of 3 days everything is back to normal:

Roger and Ray have come to and agreement .(I think)

Me and Bassam are cool (just needed to let some steam to XD)

And apparently Samuel and Earvin never were in a conflict.

The only thing left to resovle is the Raymond vs Shan mystery, yeah Shan's not talking to him or letting him call so Ray's pretty bothered cuz he doesn't know what he did wrong.

On that note Raymond has actually been blocked people off msn latley and has been discussing with me how he might quit msn.

Ya I'll leave it there..oh btw Luke you can wake up now =P


Unknown said...

ah right... sorry about the band thing, I was a little irritated. But I don't think it's fair that you say I get physical every week. Where the hell did that come from? The locker thing was started by you. I was thee and you slammed the door right into my hand. I simply retaliated.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was really started by me..then why have you been doing it since I got a locker beside you? Yeah I know it rarlyhappens once a week, but no doubt in my mind once a month.

You have no right to physically touch even if your irritated <_< I hope you realize that. Why would you retaliate if you open your lock and slam it as you open it, then when I get back at you, you do it again which is unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

Its just a Vampire Lord, and Magical Cylinder, I know they are super rare and I know they are like his favorite cards, but I felt that the cards he traded me were a rip off.. also, I just don't want him to be mad at me, and I don't want to fight with him, I don't even want to trade the cards! I'd rather keep and collect them, but apparently he still wants to trade them or he loses faith in Yu-gi-oh, I'm scared to reject his up-coming offer, but I don't want to fight, and I also just want to keep my cards.. :3 .. I don't know what to doo.. .

Unknown said...

i have never slammed the locker door on you on purpose before today. You seriously need to lighten up. And give me examples of when this has happened? The physical hitting.

Anonymous said...

OK maybe you haven't done it on "purpose" but you shouldn't do it by any means to anyone anyway o.0...Yeah so please stop..

About the physical hitting I cant remember the ones that happened before clearly because I forgave and forgot...so if anything comes up I'll just tell you, and I hope you will acknowledge in a poilite manner instead of retaliating or continuing to hit me >_<.

Sorry about the freak out if it seemed like that. I'll cool down, just need to get those whole 500 words worth 1/4 semester out of my soul and for you to acknowledge, considering your hard of hearing during school times. Which can be a pain if you tell a person 500 words and them not hearing single bit.


Anonymous said...

As for you Roger I hope the best of luck. I personally think you should continue what your doing and keeping thinking until the day of the trade comes.

~Don't be too afraid of Ray =P

Unknown said...

and the reason you can't remember is because there aren't any. Stop bitching. You've been bitching for a while now, and it's getting seriously annoying.

Anonymous said...

yeah ok whatever you say Bassam!

Zuppka said...

If its getting annoying, Bassam don't read his blog. Fogive and forget as Rohit says :P.

I was totally unaware of this until today >.<. I only thought girls get into these "friendship arguments", they seem really stupid too me...

Anyways, I want to be left out of this and not get in the muck of it. Wake me once these feuds are over... zzz...

Anonymous said...

OK look.. this post was merly to alert Bassam on what he's been doing, cuz he sometime doesn't hear alot of things.

Btw...you said it Luke.. so your going to get involved =P...I wasn't trying to express my feelings like a girl, I didn't even show that i was pissed..just informing.

*Close Thread*

Anonymous said...

Shut up Rohit. You are bitching, your blogs are so hypocritical and seem like you just want some sympathy from them. "OHHH I BLAME HIMM AND SHIT", you know what, just shut the fuck up then.

Anonymous said...

Kay mann, I'll STFU just for you..guess this is the last word out of me, directly to you, hope you feel better.

P.S. Sorry