Monday, September 8, 2008

Ah, The Cell Phone

Many of us have them and many of use them frequently but how do you know which is the right one for you.  You have so much to think about, shape, colour, flip, slide, QWERTY and even contracts. Seem like a commitment that I don't want to make but I guess it's the only way if anyone wants to go mobile these days. 

Now for me money isn't too much of the issue as far as how much the phone costs but its the plan that worries me. My parents arn't willing to pay for the bill...although I havn't asked but I highly doubt it. Anyways, plans can be from $30+ a month which in the long run isn't bad as long as its between 30 and 40 dollars. After considering many option I have it narrowed down to four phones. The Apple iPhone, The Samsung Instinct, Moterolla RAZR 2, and the Nokia N95. The first two are touch screen,  and the Nokia is slide while the RAZR 2 is flip. 

Great, time to narrow it down to two; so lets talk about the iPhone. It has become one of the most praised and wanted cell phones in America. It almost has everything you need, it's interface is friendly and hey...its made by Apple. At first glance I knew I wanted one right away but then I looked at the contract that Rogers had stirred up...and boy was it a HUGE TRAP.

So after my calculation were was wayy to much. So out with that idea...maybe couple years down the road. Well then my parents stepped in after that, they suggested I stick with the company  that they had which was Rogers. Now I've has major problems with Rogers when it came to internet in the past and quite frankly I hate the company. Now i'm not sure if thier phone service is and better but guess its worth a shot beacuse it'll save me money if I get a "Family Plan". 

So then I had no choice but to eliminate the Samsung Instict because the only carrier was Bell.

Sooooo....Now I have no fucking clue as to which phone to get.

~Help Pl0x0rz kthxbai!

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