Monday, February 4, 2008

Kid Learn Guitar all from


guitarrr said...

its just an avristisement from its made to seem like he was one of there costomers. its like a fake. hes actually playing thats not fake but him learning from their site im pretty sure is. type in guitarmasterpro into youtube and youll fine a page of the same video. stange?

Anonymous said...

Intresting, I think you might be right there is like 4 duplicates on YouTube. o.0

Anonymous said...

he is not a customer at all. he is self taught and the video is from a Korean website. a friend of the guy just happened to post it on youtube.

Anonymous said...

oLol wow well that clears things up. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

ya he is Korean and he has played a few concerts like youtube live he is becoming a computer engineer and has turned down contracts to make a album