Monday, October 1, 2007

Ontario University Fair 2007 (Part 3)

As we were heading out there was a hall way with construction on the sides (probably a store opening) and there were outlines of construction people in different poses, and said your face could be here. So Shan started trying to imitate the poses...I guess it was funny but didn't make me exited to what was about to happened next.

So, we were almost out of the convention center at this point when we come across booths for Via Rail etc. So Mike was about to ask the information desk in the center, but since it was only one person helping it was a long w8. So Mike got out his hacker map and found that a door to the outside was straight ahead. So as we're walking across I see this empty desk with a sign saying something along the lines of: "<------We are closed please talk to Roger". We were all like ZOMFG take a picture, so Daniel took his phone out and decided to take a video with me holding the sign and Roger beside it. Yeah it was cool; I have no clue If Daniel's going to upload that video.

Moving on, we were finally outside and could see Union Station in our sight, when suddenly Shan yells out MOVING TOILETS!! We look on the street and see several port-a-potties on a truck and immediately tried to take a picture, now I'm not sure if Daniel got his phone out in time to take the picture you'll have to ask him that one. Now we were at the station and had to buy tickets, the sales both was closed but the electronic machine was open. So we came up to it and tried to find a cash slot. Yeah...the machine hacked us there was some of us went inside to see if we could get change from the shop inside...yeah they refused. So the end result was looking through all the change accepting no less than a nickel. One person I think it was Jason had just the right amount of dimes.

After getting the ticket we went inside the sales office and sat down then it was just nearing our time in 15mins. So we saw a line outside, we all contemplated whether it was the one we were supposed to take, and Mike confirmed it was. Yeah so, me Shan, and Daniel look outside and there was already a line if 37 people. We thought we wouldn't make it onto the bus thanks to Shan's math skills counting the seats...he forgot the whole half of the bus. Yeah so when the bus finally arrived there what more than 60 people there is something like 57 seats and 17 standing. So I was the last one to go on the bus, so I saw that there was a seat available but it was occupied by some bags. I would have asked the person to move his bags but, he was a teenager, which looked emo, was sleeping and listening to music. So I didn't bother and instead stood. While this red neck fat man is behind me with his wife and says in a loud voice "Excuse me, I don't think your bags have a seat on this bus, they don't have ticket. Move them so my wife can sit down." So the dude woke up and moved his stuff. So in the middle of the Mike decided to get up randomly and sit on Roger, only because he wanted a couple that had been standing up for a while to sit also.

Yeah so moving on, Shan and I were at the back where there were a couple of fairly hot chicks. So we're glancing over here and there trying to take a good look at them, when suddenly you hear "omg it’s so wet" "eww don’t do it here" "Is it clean?" This is Shan's interpretation: One of the girls had a blanket over their pants and I guess masturbating and said "omg it’s so wet" then the other girl said "eww don’t do it here" finally "eww don’t do it here". So the real story is that one of the girls took a condom out of her purse and showed it to the girl in front, then soon after opening it, and saying "omg its so wet" then the one in front "eww don’t do it here" then asking whether the condom was clean or not. Yeah I was eavesdropping and glancing while Shan was playing solitaire on my iPod he got a completely wrong interpretation.

Considering they were pretty "hot" Shan was about to make a move when the girls suddenly started talking to some other guy a few seats over "which school he was from". Then all you hears is "Hey are you talking to my sister?!?! If you are I'M GOING TO BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!!!" Yeah so Shan felt a huge relief that wasn't him yeah the dude got pwned by her brother. He probably is trying to look out for them because it was probably not the first time someone tried to hit on them. After all this commotion we were finally at Square One, once we were all out, I look back at the bus and I hear "cushshshshshs" I turn back everyone is laughing and Samuel in the bushes. Then he shouts "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK, THIS HAS THORNS IT, FUCK AHHHHHH", yeah after thurow examination there was in fact very thin and sharp thorns. Who did it you ask...Daniel...yeah apparently there was some conflict between them b4 getting off the bus, and Samuel got hold of Daniel's Playdium worth approx 10min and ripped in two. So in a split second this skin, bones and hair dude falls in to the trap. So we all helped him try to pick the hundreds in his body but the ones in weird places were up to him to clean up.

After this LMFAO moment brought you by Daniel, we headed to Wal-Mart for some more Yo-Gi-Oh cards. So there were only two there and it was a tossup between Mike and Roger so they did rock, paper, scissors. Mike won and got the better of the two decks, leaving Roger with a Unicorn Deck...yeah apparently it’s shitty so Roger felt much ripped but it was fair and square. So then I called my Dad and we all split up; Shan had this $5 bill that he felt like spending so we turned around and used Haste to quickly find Baskin Robins and managed to get two kiddie ice cream cups. We went out and saw the rest of the 8 people and, being the hacker Shan is, he thought of a devious plan to tell everyone that we got the ice cream for free. We crossed the street and waited for them to notice that we had them, even after calling them we epically phailed.

So we moved on and waited for my dad across Playdium by these stairs. So while waiting we encountered some scary African American teens across the street and they were just waiting to J-walk. Then out of the corner of Shan's eye, he see a Chinese dude on our side of the street, hoping it was Yao-Ming we cheered on from afar for him to hurry and save us. Yeah this clone of Yao-Ming isn't fast, but even though that set our hopes down, at the same time we noticed the guys had given up and were heading for a crosswalk.

Well then my dad came and took us home, yeah so it was a great adventure and I generally loved every second of the trip. Now I leave you to ponder on how it would be different if Nick and/or Bassam had come.

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