Sunday, October 7, 2007

Basketball (Nick, I doubt you'd want to read this)

So today, at around 2 ish Roy and Venkatesh (grade 9) came to my house to find out where Shan was and to call me out to play basketball at the nearby courts. So I called Shan and his mom answered and said he was at the park. Now Roy and Vin had already passed by and no one was there. So we proceeded to Adi's house (grade 11 diff school) and there was no luck finding him there then we went to Avi's..yet again we didn't find him. Then our last homes were that he might have retured home or if he could be at Bassam's house. So we went to Bassam's no luck, then finally to Shan's when his mom says try that guys house across the street. So we rang the bell and some dudes mom answered and went to call Shan. They door was open and all I heard was "OH YEAH"..yeah hmmm what were they doing...I'll leave that up to you guys and Shan.

So finally, most of us were at the courts and were enjoying a good game of b'ball. When Adi passes to me and it bounces on the ground, then comes and hits me in the shins. Then he says "OMG this guys doesn't even have reflexes". Yeah...I'm sure you little fucker you try grabbing a ball that is air born 3 inches off the ground. Anyways we continue the game and soon after I found my self just standing there with no one blocking me, I had a clear shot. So shot's kept going in back and fourth and no effort to pass to me was put fourth. Then out of the blue Adi's says "Rohit sucks he doesn't do anything". That right there wasn't the first time 'I've gotten owned. I used to play with some people from Clarkson, and neighborhood kids, and I got owned playing with them pretty badly. So soon after that I stop playing b'ball,stopped caring, and lost most off my skill/spirt. Now that the memories are coming back it going to be even harder to let them go.

This could only lead to two things either for me to become a bully and take it out on others, or become emo and hold it all inside.'s pretty scaring think about that but I don't think I'm that kind of person, probably going to try to keep it in the middle as much as I can.

The first step to keeping it in the middle is to all out stop the object or activity that is bothering you in the first place, in this case is basketball. Now I'm going to try my best to stop playing but I know my parents and Shan are going to try to bring me back. <_<

Probably the only way for me to start again is if I get lessons one-on-one. I just need some pointers on how to actually drive the ball to the net. I think I've been doing it wrong this whole time. Now if had taught this, instead of how to shoot, I think this whole mess could have been avoidable.

Just to make it clear no one is being blamed but simply my past. Yeah and I know how I said forgive and forget, I'm working on that lol


Anonymous said...

yo man wth u so deep wth iz dis u styll have ta paly wif us fo sure - ROY

Unknown said...

I am extermly sorry about the basketball incident and I think you shouldn't give up on basketball even though you are not good at it. Instead you should try harder and get better. I feel extremly sorry about your past and i wont make fun of you.

P.S I make a lot of grammatical mistakes

By: Adi Joshi

Zuppka said...

Just play against Nick and you will have your self-esteem back. :P

Hey, at leas tyou let him know how you feel, and got an apology. Apologies are rare these days... lol

P.S: My account still has to be recreated after every comment. I think I'm doing it wrong...

Zuppka said...

Nowai I got it to work. I WAS doing it wrong afterall. My acccount is my email address apparently!

Anonymous said...

Lol think about Nick cheers me up XD. Oh yeah, you definetly deserve a face palm right about now =P

Unknown said...

Maybe you should find a better way to keep your self-esteem high other than putting other people down. That's very hollow.

Also, it feels great to be that person you're putting down for your own selfish gain.

Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

As I said before Nick, I'm not putting anyone down, simply showing how my memories of the days way back when came back to me. I didn't need apologies from anyone, sorry I made fun of you "Lol think about Nick cheers me up XD", and if you took it the wrong way. The people who torchered me should be reading this no you guys.

Sorry to all of intention was not clear..guess ill stop now