Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ontario University Fair 2007 (Part 1) (Edited)

Today, Me, Shan, Mike, Luke, Roger, Kevin, Jason, Daniel, Frankie and Samuel all decided to head to the fair in downtown T.O. We all decided to take out own ways to get to Square One. Me and Shan got dropped off by my dad and, when we got off we decided to call Mike, he said to meet at the food court and find Frankie. Guess sign of him anywhere, we call him once again and he said to just sit and w8 while Mike comes. Then out of the corner Daniel, Frankie, Samuel, and Luke come pop out and soon after Mike and the gang. So then after our acquaintances, all ten of us head to some Hobby shop with tonnes of trading cards, menga glore (Bassam would die for) and a whole bunch of comics and stuff. So most of them bought some Yu-Gi-Oh cards, while others just roamed. Then when we exited Mike pulled out a tin and gave it to Luke and said "Happy B'day" we're like whoa! Most of us took packs and opened them, not forgetting Raymond's exitment in our ears. On top of all this, out of all the people that bought cards today Luke had the best ones XD...ah the irony.

We continued to the bus terminal and bought tickets for the 11:25 GO Bus. We went out and waited, and since I bought my laptop, I tried connecting to the inter webs, there was even a Starbucks; no use it asked you how you wanted to pay credit or pre-paid o.0. The bus came we all got on it and I just started playing Inkball and then Shan got the idea for me to watch porn, because my retarded friend downloaded some. So I gave it t o horny Shan and he just kept on flipping the screen up and down, while I lol'd Sam got pissed and closed the lid, putting the laptop to sleep. So he returned to and I continued to play Inkball. Then when I decided to randomly open My Computer Samuel say that I had a Broodwar symbol on my D Drive so I clicked and to my amazement it was SC! Since there was no Internet (moving bus) Sam just played single player along with Shan, on which they got bored really quickly. So I just turned it off and listed to my iPod till we got to Union Station.

Once there we got off and got direction from the friendly bus driver and it wasn't to far of a walk. So we all started walking and seeing that me, Shan, and Sam are Maplestory "fans" we saw all these people selling Jays tickets, like 20 people and we called them merchants, and scammer (term used in MS) selling stuff in the Free Market (place where you sell item in MS)-it was a lol moment. Moving forward, for those of you who don't know (basically no one) me and Shan have this thing called "Scouter Report" this is when you look/scout for any "attractive girls or cleavage" - kind of perverted but whatever. So me and Shan were going along the street with our scouting eyes on, then we see the jackpot - some woman with huge breasts and nipples, we told Sam right away and he got pissed that he missed - another "lol" moment.

By this time we had finally reached half way when we realized that we could no longer see the CN Tower - yeah i know wtf..but mike has a map so we found our way in no time. So when we were inside it was 10x harder because we were in a convention center - which is massively huge.

Continued Above

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